Optimizirani uređaj za prikazivanje grafikona smanjuje vrijeme učitavanja i povećava trajanje baterije do 25 %.

Pravo mjesto za
online trgovanje na financijskim tržištima

Najprilagođenije sučelje

Dobijte pristup kako biste trgovali s više od 100 globalnih roba za trgovanje

Postavite svoja trgovanja uz najbolje uvjete

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    Virtualni novac na Vašem Demo računu
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Provjerite koliko imate sreće!

Unesite svoju e-adresu i dobit ćete posebnu ponudu PO TRADE. Ako je sreća na Vašoj strani, dobit ćete besplatni poklon!

Što ljudi kažu o nama

Više od 10 milijuna korisnika diljem svijeta nam vjeruje i zarađuje svakoga dana.

2024-07-04 08:47:42
Amongst all the binary brokers I find that PO TRADE is the best. Easy to use the indicators are good and their graphs are 100% in line with the Forex Market at any given time. I suggest you check it out for yourself.
2024-07-04 08:07:42
My experience with pocket opyion makes me believe that my dreams are coming true. Fast withdrawal too.
2024-07-02 19:49:02
PO TRADE is the best broker I tried in my life really guys it’s very work full and trusted
2024-06-29 23:14:26
Very good and huge broker I am impressed that this website is really helpful
2024-06-26 05:55:49
User friendly and provided excited stream such as tournament where you can compete with the best out there. Also do provided a platform to copy trade from others
2024-06-25 17:31:17
Best trading platform
2024-06-21 13:46:03
Best broker of all the times I always prefer PO TRADE for making good enough profit
2024-06-21 13:27:38
PO TRADE is the best broker among All it’s unique levels and feature is good enough to make profits on your daily basis
2024-06-20 19:33:17
I found the platform from a friend of mine and Im verry satisfied about.Im new to trading and want to learn more about .It is verry easy to use and there is lot of ways to charge the account the same in withraw.Thank you and keep going like this!!!!
2024-06-20 05:46:15
PO TRADE is amazing .I have learned a lot.Its not just a binary app, it’s a learning center. The most important reasons for choosing one site over months are the trust and super customer service.I recommend PO TRADE to all of you.Do not miss your opportunity.This will be your turning point in your life.Thank you PO TRADE.
2024-06-17 09:16:25
I love this app and it is one of the best trading app have ever seen good and legit
2024-06-17 07:18:55
Being using PO TRADE for several months now, and my experience was great. Reliable platform to trade
2024-06-17 06:20:06
بوكيت اوبشن من أفضل منصات التداول علي الاطلاق
2024-06-12 08:30:27
This trading platform is simply great. Both Deposit and withdrawal are very fast. Keep it up
2024-05-17 21:31:48
The best platform I've ever seen
2024-05-06 00:03:04
It is an excellent and reliable platform. Easy to deposit and withdraw. Excellent customer service and easy to use. The best trading platform ever
2024-04-25 20:38:47
This is a platform every trader should choose.The best ever.Trading life is as easy as ABC with you
2024-04-19 09:17:03
This is my first experience on this platform and that was brilliant!!! Pocket Brocker is very realistic and othantic Application. I take my first profit on this platform.
2024-04-09 23:26:33
It is an excellent platform for trading
2024-04-06 21:59:19
The best broker ever ????????

Upozorenje na rizik:

Trgovanje na financijskim tržištima nosi rizik. Ugovori o financiranju razlike ("CFD-i) su kompleksni financijski proizvodi kojima se trguje uz maržu. Trgovanje CFD-ima nosi visoku razinu rizika, jer poluga može djelovati povoljno i nepovoljno za Vas. Posljedično, CFD-i možda nisu pogodni za sve investitore, jer oni mogu izgubiti cijeli svoj investirani kapital. Ne biste trebali riskirati više nego što ste spremni izgubiti. Prije odluke o trgovanju, trebate biti sigurni da razumijete uključene rizike i da ste u obzir uzeli svoje investicijske ciljeve i razinu iskustva.